Red Dead Redemption 2: Effective Bank Robbery in 'Sodom? Back to Gomorrah' Mission

 Mission Overview

In 'Red Dead Redemption 2,' the mission 'Sodom? Back to Gomorrah' involves Arthur and Bill robbing the bank in Valentine. The goal is to successfully rob the bank and elude law enforcement officers who pursue them.

Effective Bank Robbery Techniques

  1. Approaching the Bank: Approach the bank with Bill. When Arthur gives the signal, raise your bandana and open the bank door.

  2. Managing Bank Customers: Once inside, manage the customers and proceed to the vault room.

  3. Opening the Vault: In the vault room, either force the bank employee to open the vault or crack it yourself. To crack the vault, rotate the left stick to align the combination. The dial slows down when nearing the correct number.

  4. Retrieving the Money Bags: Retrieve the money bags from the vault and reunite with your gang.

  5. Escape: Escape on horseback from Valentine, dealing with pursuers. Cross the railway to lose the chasers and head towards Downes Ranch.

  6. Using Dead Eye and Rapid-Fire Weapons: When pursued by law enforcement, use the Dead Eye ability and rapid-fire weapons (e.g., Double Action Revolver) to quickly eliminate multiple targets.

  7. Return to Camp: Complete the mission and return to camp.

Rewards Successfully completing this mission can yield up to $2,500 for the player and a gang share of $10,000.


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