라벨이 Grays인 게시물 표시

Red Dead Redemption 2: Stealth Guide for 'The Fine Joys of Tobacco' Mission

  Mission Overview In 'Red Dead Redemption 2,' the mission 'The Fine Joys of Tobacco' calls for a blend of stealth and strategy. This task involves collaborating with the Braithwaites to set ablaze the tobacco fields of the Grays. Key actions include silently eliminating enemies and swiftly igniting the fields. Stealth Approach Guide Silent Elimination : At the beginning of the mission, Sean will lure an enemy, providing you with an opportunity to eliminate them quietly. Quick and unnoticed eliminations are crucial. Burning the Tobacco Fields : Approach the tobacco fields stealthily to set them on fire. Be cautious not to get detected, and quickly start the fire in the fields. Engagement with Enemies : After igniting the fields, you will encounter enemies. Maintaining stealth while eliminating these adversaries is advisable. Hide and take them down, or use the Dead Eye feature for accurate shots if necessary. Avoid Rushing : While moving with Sean during the mission, be